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Performance: Tree-Shake with environment.ts

You probably get to the point where you only need modules that has to be there during development but not in the production build.

For example:

I use @ngrx/store-devtools nearly all the time while developing.

In order to not have this module on my production build, I thought, the solution was easy-ish, just use the environment-condition to exclude it from the build.

import {environment} from '../environments/environment';
import {StoreDevtoolsModule} from '@ngrx/store-devtools';

const additionalImports = [];

if (!environment.production) {
    maxAge: 25

  import: [

But the compiler still adds the module to production build: about 18 kb added for this module, sure its not "that" much but this adds up to the loading+parsing/eval-time, which you probably don't need.

Using environment.ts the better way :)

Since angular adds a default fileReplacements config for environment.ts and environment.prod.ts those will be only compiled into during development/production build.

We can also use this to add different modules for our development phase / or to production vice versa.

import {StoreDevtoolsModule} from '@ngrx/store-devtools';

export const environment = {
  production: false,
  modules: [
      maxAge: 25
import {environment} from '../environments/environment';

  import: [

emoji-tada Now that module is only added during development and not in your production build emoji-tada

Maybe in the future it will be possible to tree-shake these kinds just by using if (environment.production), but until then we have a nice workaround.

Protip 1: Use an interface for your environment files.

Have a environment.def.ts-File which is something like:

export interface Environment {
  production: boolean;
  modules: any[];

That way both (or more?) environments will be at least consistent on the properties.

Protip 2: Use a path-alias

  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "@myApp/env": ["apps/myApp/src/environments/environment"]

Then you can import your environment in any file just by @myApp/env instead of ../../../..and/so/on../../environment

I really would like to know, if you have/use modules only during dev/prod?

If you like it, share it! :)

Published on September 19, 2019