Extending the features of the component-level lazy loader thanks to Ivy
Continue from Part 1:
Since the loader uses the same injector-Instance we can inject the same services as the parent Component.
Side-note: The usual lifecycle callbacks are still working on lazy-loaded components.
To set the inputs on the loaded component, the loader uses componentInputs: any
as @Input()
private setInputs() {
if (this.componentInstance && this.componentInputs) {
const inputs = Object.keys(this.componentInputs);
for (const inputKey of inputs) {
this.componentInstance[inputKey] = this.componentInputs[inputKey];
will be called once after the component is created and on each ngOnChanges
that is called for componentInputs
Now you can also set inputs to the loaded component
In order to use the outputs of your loaded component, you can just set your callbacks with:
outputName: onYourCallbackMethod
Since this object is just a dictionary of key: Function
, its rather "easy" to subscribe to the loaded component outputs.
private unsubForOutputs$ = new Subject();
private setOutputs () {
if (this.componentInstance && this.componentOutputs) {
const outputs = Object.keys(this.componentOutputs);
for (const outputKey of outputs) {
if (this.componentInstance[outputKey]) {
const emitter = this.componentInstance[outputKey] as EventEmitter<any>;
private unsubOutputs () {
The prior example had this:
const imported = await DynamicLoaderComponent.LazyComponents[this.component]();
That way the requested component would be loaded (HTTP-call) every time.
To prevent this we can just add a simple cache - object which holds the resolved-promises (in the same way I refactored the registration (again )):
export class DynamicLoaderRegistry {
// Registry
public static LazyComponents: { [key: string]: () => Promise<any> } = {};
// Loaded-Cache
public static AlreadyLoaded: { [key: string]: Promise<any> } = {};
// cache the promises
const importComponent = DynamicLoaderRegistry.AlreadyLoaded[this.component]
|| (DynamicLoaderRegistry.AlreadyLoaded[this.component] = DynamicLoaderRegistry.LazyComponents[this.component]());
const imported = await importComponent;
Now if the same component is requested, its only loaded once
See: Current Version
to be continued / tried / tested:
Any thoughts / suggestions / ideas ?