npm install @gewd/lazy -S
Finally, the demo-repository and loader package is done. Here are some of the changes:
-HelperLike the C# Lazy
import { Lazy } from '@gewd/lazy/utils';
// create
var myLazy = Lazy.create(() => import(/*...*/))
// callback/promise will be only executed once `.getValue()` is called
const result = await myLazy.getValue();
// once the value was loaded, it'll just use this cached promise
In the previously articles you saw that I cached the requests, in a separate dictionary, with this I don't need to handle that.
As you can see the registration of LazyComponents changed a bit, now using the Lazy-Helper.
// Register the lazy component, without a module
DynamicLoaderRegistry.LazyComponents = {
'test-comp': new Lazy<any>(() => import('./lazy-wrapper/test-comp'))
Use it inside your app with:
[componentInputs]="{ testProp: 'Component Binding from outside' }"
Normal content that is visible the content isn't loaded.
<div isLoading>
This content will be visible while the component is loading / being created.
This is useful for components that don't need any other module's or using 3rd party web-components.
Note, using components of the host-module not working yet.
But for this issue I created the lazy-components (using modules), this type of lazy-loading has been around for quite a while, there are existing libraries for this, but here is my approach :)
DynamicLoaderRegistry.LazyModuleComponents = {
'test-module': {
load: new Lazy<any>(
() => import('./lazy-wrapper/test-module-comp')
.then(({TestModule}) => TestModule)
Your lazy module need to implement LazyModule
declarations: [
MyModuleComp // Your Component
imports: [
MatButtonModule // any dependent module
export class TestModule implements LazyModule {
getComponents (): LazyModuleComponentInfo[] {
return [
name: 'MyModuleComp', // key to access it
componentType: MyModuleComp // your component
Use it inside your app with:
[componentInputs]="{ testProp: 'Module Component Example' }"
Normal content that is visible the content isn't loaded.
<div isLoading>
This content will be visible while the component is loading / being created.
{% github negue/gewd no-readme %}
Any ideas / issues / suggestions, write here or open an issue :)